As a reminder, the team is currently working on two primary deliverables for the dYdX Ops subDAO:
- Publishing a dYdX DAO playbook to guide the community in subDAO formation best practices
- Opening a fiat bank account to manage service provider expenses
In addition to these two, the community voted Yes on a proposal to migrate the dYdX forum to Discourse. As part of our responsibility to host and pay for communication providers, we have been working on this migration.
We’ll share updates on all of these below:
In March, the team completed the final playbook draft following internal review from different stakeholders and partners. To make the content easier to digest and reference, we worked with a designer to build a standalone site that will host the playbook. This has been completed and we’re now checking off final boxes before announcing the website.
Unfortunately, March was a tough month for crypto banking. While the bank we’re onboarding with is still operational, they were very much distracted and presumably flooded with additional onboards in the past month. That’s resulted in more delays on our end, but we continue to push ahead with hopes that we complete our onboard in the coming weeks.
In line with the snapshot proposal, the team started working on a new forum page using Discourse. We’re happy to confirm the forum has been completed and is ready to be announced!
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